Ekadashi fasting is a practice in Hinduism of abstaining from food and water for a 24-hour period. It is observed on the 11th day of the waxing and waning moon cycle. This day itself is known as Ekadashi tithi of the Hindu calendar. It is considered to be a highly auspicious day for spiritual growth and purification. It is also believed to be the favorite day of lord Vishnu. Ekadashi fasting is believed to help the body and mind to detoxify and rejuvenate. Ekadashi fasting is celebrated in honor of the supreme lord Vishnu, who is believed to be the preserver deity in Hinduism.
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How to start Ekadashi Vrat?
During sunrise on the day of Ekadashi, you should abstain from consuming grains, beans, and certain vegetables, and instead eat only fruits, nuts, and dairy products. You can also do Ekadashi fasting by refraining from consuming water, though it depends on your health condition. In some parts of India, especially in the Eastern region, people do fasting
The main purpose of Ekadashi fasting is the purification of the body and mind and to cultivate detachment from material desires and cravings commonly known as Prathyahara in Yoga. Ekadashi Vrat is believed to help improve our physical and mental health. It may also improve digestion and metabolism, and promote spiritual growth. Since Ekadashi is the favorite tithi of Lord Vishnu, Ekadashi fasting is considered to be a form of penance or austerity for lord Vishnu and his avatars, It is believed that it can help purify negative karma and promote spiritual progress.

7 Rules of Ekadashi Fasting.
These rules give you a brief overview of what to eat and what not to eat on Ekadashi Fasting. It also provides basic rules.
- Abstaining from grains: You should avoid consuming grains like rice, wheat, and lentils. It is important to abstain from onions, garlic, and potatoes, as they are believed to be tamasic Guna (dark and negative in nature).
- Eat sattvic foods: You should consume Sattwik foods, such as fruits, nuts, milk, and yogurt. Avoid foods that are spicy, sour, or salty. They may increase feelings of thirst and hunger.
- Remember no meat: Meat is considered to be rajasic which stimulates passion, they are sometimes tamasic in nature which hampers spiritual growth.
- No alcohol and tobacco: They are considered to be tamasic so they can interfere with the process of spiritual purification.
- Abstain from intimate moments or no fap: Try to avoid intimate activity otherwise, it may hamper your spiritual progress.
- Practice meditation and prayer: Engage in meditation and bhajan-kirtan of lord Vishnu.
- Break the fast on Dwadashi: Break the fast on the following day, known as Dwadashi, after sunrise. Remember to break the fast with light and easily digestible foods, such as fruit.

Benefits of Ekadashi Fasting.
- Improved Digestion and Detoxification: Ekadashi Vrata will cleanse your body and mind and will help in improved digestion and detoxification.
- Boosted Immunity and Disease Prevention: It will strengthen your body’s natural defenses so that you may have boosted immunity and disease prevention.
- Mental Clarity and Spiritual Focus: You will find inner peace and clarity after Ekadashi fasting.
- Weight Loss and Improved Metabolism: You can also lose weight and boost your metabolism with Ekadashi Vrat for improved weight management.”
- Anti-Aging and Longevity Promotion: Ekadashi Vrat will promote longevity and vitality for anti-aging benefits.

Mantra to chant on Ekadashi.
- Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya: This is a mantra dedicated to Lord Vishnu, who is worshipped on Ekadashi as the preserver of the universe. The mantra is believed to help purify the mind and increase spiritual awareness. Word-to-word translation: Om – O, the sacred sound of the universe, Namo – Salutations to Bhagavate – The Lord who is the source of all opulence, Vasudevaya – O Lord Vasudeva, the son of Vasudeva
- Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra: This is a mantra of devotees of Lord Krishna, He is an embodiment of divine love and compassion. This mantra is believed to help purify the mind and cultivate spiritual devotion. Word-to-word translation: Hare – O Hari (Krishna), the Lord who removes all distress and suffering, Krishna – O Krishna, the all-attractive lord, Rama – O Rama, the Lord who provides spiritual pleasure and bliss, Hare – O Hari (Krishna), the Lord who removes all distress and suffering