3 Types of Karma in Hinduism are Sanchita, Prarabdha, and Agami or Kriyamana. The Vartamana (present) Karma makes it 4. However, three types of Karma are considered widely. They are given below let’s know what is Karma.
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What is Karma in Yoga?
Karma is the primary possession that governs the entire universe. The concept of Karma is found in Buddhism and other Indian religions too. It is applicable at different levels. For example, the functioning of Karma at the micro-level can be different from the functioning of Karma at the macro level. In human beings, this law governs the cosmic principle of rebirth. You are reborn if you have past unfulfilled Karmas. You can get a detailed description of the types of Karma in Gita and other Upanishads.

One: Sanchitta Karma in the 3 types of Karma.
Sanchitta Karma is the karma that has been accumulated to your consciousness in your past birth. For example, you might have hurt someone with your work, that person will hurt you for sure, that becomes your Prarabdha. It is not about the Karmas of last birth; it is the Karmas of all of your previous births.
Click here to read about Introduction to Samkhya.
Two: Prarabdha Karma.
Prarabdha Karma is responsible for the present. Your Prarabhdha is created by your present actions as well as the Sanchitta Karma. In another word, it can be called Destiny. It is really tough to change the Prarabdha.

Three: Kriyamana Karma (Agami) in the 3 types of Karma.
Kriyamana Karma or Agami Karma in the 3 types of Karma is the present that shapes your future. Basically, when the Kriya (process) of life is understood, it has ability to transform the past actions also. There cannot be the destruction of the Karmas but they can be transformed. Kriya is the essence of Karma Yoga/ Kriya Yoga. You can practice Karma Yoga/Kriya Yoga and live a wonderful life.
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