7 Chakras of body are the energy centers used for meditation. The nadis or nerves help flow the energy of chakras from one to the other. The three nadis namely Ida Pingala and Sushumna lie in the center which helps maintain the steady flow of the nerve current.
Table of Contents
How to activate chakras in human body?
7 Chakras of body can be activated through continuous practice of meditation. However, this meditation has to be under the supervision of a guru.
How to unblock chakras?
Chakras can be unblocked through Pranayama or Kriya Yoga. Kriya is the basic work done by the body in order to make energy flow from one chakra to another in 7 chakras of body.
Muladhara Chakra, first in 7 chakras of body.
Muladhara Chakra lies near the base of your skeleton in your body. The main aim of Kundalini Yoga is to move the conscious energy from the Muladhara Chakra up via the Sushumna channel and balance the other Chakras. When you commit something it acts as a base for the channelization of spiritual energy.
Gland, Hormones, and function associated with Muladhara Chakra in 7 chakras of body.
The Muladhara Chakra is all about the Gland that gives you a male/female identity along with its other artificial commitments. The Muladhara Chakra is the base of your existence in both the physical and mental systems. The literal meaning of Muladhara is also similar, Mula means main and adhara means root cause. What you do, and how you behave in nature are all decided by this chakra. Raising your consciousness above this Chakra in Kundalini Yoga means, you are completely aware of this root cause in you.
Natural commitments are that of gender and other perceptions while artificial commitments are what you already have committed in life.
Root Mantra.
The Root Mantra Associated with this Chakra in 7 chakras of body is Lam. The root word Lam means to externalize. You need to externalize your physical energies in order to move your consciousness from this Chakra to the other. Given below is the image of the Muladhara Chakra Mandala. In the center is the root word. Basically, raising the energy from here means you have understood the root cause of your existence and the purpose of your life.
Method to cleanse Muladhara chakra.
Use your physical energy for good of the society to make it reach the sushumna or the central channel for upward movement. Sankalpa should be pure.

Svadhisthana Chakra in the Kundalini Yoga.
The Second Chakra in the Kundalini Yoga is Svadhisthana Chakra. The literal meaning of Svadhisthana is self residing place.
Gland, Hormones, and function associated with Svadhisthana Chakra in 7 chakras of body.
The gland associated with this Chakra is the Adrenal Gland. As per the Good Therapy website, the adrenal glands release hormones related to stress and anxiety. This includes epinephrine, adrenaline, and cortisol.
Along with these hormones it also releases androgens which we call sex hormones. They play a major role in the development of sexual characteristics, they can be converted into estrogen in females.
This Chakra of 7 chakras in body in Kundalini Yoga is all about your self-owned characteristics. How you behave sexually, and how you show yourself to be in society.
Root Mantra
The Root Mantra associated with this chakra in Kundalini Yoga is Vam. The literal meaning of this root is to release. Your hidden desires are associated with this Chakra itself. When you break the boundary of this chakra, you will control your stress levels for the societal balance and match your sexual characteristics with your partner.
Method to cleanse.
The method to cleanse this chakra is to practice Tantra Yoga. You can click on a hyperlink to read about Tantra Yoga. If you feel your sexual desires are fulfilled just chant the root mantra while meditating. It is the toughest chakra to conquer as the deity associated with it is the preserver, Vishnu.

Manipura Chakra, the center of the fire in Kundalini Yoga.
The Manipura meaning of Manipura is the city of Mani. Here I didn’t try to make literal sense of the word Mani because directly the meaning of the whole concept would be different. Most of the web articles make a direct translation of Mani to Jewel. Yes, it is a jewel only but Mani is any special kind of Jewel that has different characteristics. We got a mention a lot of Jewels in Hindu Philosophy. Two of them are Kaustubha Mani of Vishnu and Naga Mani of the snakes. These Manis divide and share their characteristics with the bearer.
So, the Manipura Chakra in Kundalini Yoga is all about sharing the characteristics of different types of your natural/artificial activities with the bearer that is you.
Gland, Hormones, and function associated with Manipura Chakra in 7 chakras of body.
The gland associated with Manipura Chakra is Pancreas. Its work is to break down what you have eaten so that it can be shared with the other parts of the body. Your Manipura chakra makes sure, there is the proper division of the resources in the body through digestion. The Manipura chakra is also about maintaining the energy which is required for the functioning of Society.
Root Mantra.
The Root Mantra of Manipura Chakra in 7 chakras of body is Ram which means energy, work, and fire. Moving your conscious energy from this Chakra means you are aware of how the division of resources takes place. Physically, you shall have better digestion too.
Method to cleanse Manipura Chakra.
The best method of cleansing Manipura chakra in Kundalini Yoga is to chant the mantra, Ram. This word also has the ability to cleanse all the chakras. You should also do your works without any expectation, this will center your spiritual energy towards Sushumna.

Anahata Chakra in the Kundalini Yoga.
Anahata Chakra is the fourth Chakra in Kundalini Yoga. The meaning of Anahata is unharmed. It is located near your heart.
Gland, Hormones, and function associated with Anahata Chakra in 7 chakras of body.
The gland associated with the Anahata Chakra is Thymus. The major role of the thymus is balancing your immune system by secreting required bodies. It protects you from external diseases. Basically, if you move up your conscious energy from the Anahata Chakra in 7 chakras of body you will be able to become disease-free .
Protection is also associated with Dharma. So in the Anahata Chakra in 7 chakras of body, you understand your own dharma and protect it from external influences. Those who have better Anahata Chakra are unharmed.
Root Mantra.
The Root Mantra associated with it is Yam which means monitoring. It is also the other word for the keeper of Dharma. The keeper of Dharma is majorly responsible for the protection of those who do good.
Method to cleanse Anahata Chakra in 7 chakras of body in Kundalini Yoga.
The best method to cleanse this chakra is to monitor your actions. You can also chant the root word in the meditation.

Vishuddhi Chakra in Kundalini Yoga.
Vishuddhi Chakra is located at the base of your throat. The meaning of Vishuddhi is immensely pure.
Gland, Hormones, and function associated with Vishuddhi Chakra in 7 chakras of body.
The glands associated with this Chakra in Kundalini Yoga are Thyroid and Para Thyroid glands. According to the Inner Body Website, the thyroid gland and parathyroid glands are part of the endocrine glands located at the base of the neck. These glands play a very crucial role in maintaining the body’s homeostasis by producing the hormones that regulate the metabolism of the body and free calcium levels. Homeostasis is the state of steady internal, physical, and chemical conditions maintained by living systems.
Basically, the analogy in Kundalini Yoga is: That purity is steady-state of internal, physical, and chemical conditions within our body. In Hindu metaphysics, this Chakra is the gateway towards other dimensions of existence called Vaitarni.
Root Mantra of this chakra in 7 chakras of body. .
The root mantra of this Chakra is Ham which means to keep going. When the suffix Sa is added to the word Ham. It becomes Hamsa also known as Ajapa Gayatri by the Upanishads. So when you feel the Hamsa word in the exhalation and inhalation, this becomes the most powerful mantra of the Kundalini Yoga.
Method to cleanse.
The method to cleanse this chakra is to feel the words Ham while inhalation and Sa in exhalation.

Ajna Chakra, the third eye chakra
Ajna Chakra is located in the center of your forehead. It is also known by the name of Agya Chakra in Kundalini Yoga. The meaning of the Ajna word is instructions. Some Philosophers have often called it the seat of the soul and some call it the third eye in 7 chakras of body.
Gland, Hormones, and function associated with Ajna Chakra.
As per the research, the main function of the pineal gland is to receive information about the state of the light-dark cycle from the environment. It further conveys this information to produce and secrete the hormone called melatonin which is responsible for your sleep.
Sleep is part of your consciousness. You can read about sleep and dreams from here.
Metaphysically, the Ajna Chakra is all about the center of time which says what to do and when to do it. It connects with time. In Kundalini Yoga, the third eye is open in all the keepers of time. These keepers of time include goddess Mahakali, Bhairava, and Lord Shiva himself.
Root Mantra
The root mantra for Ajna Chakra in 7 chakras of body in Kundalini Yoga is Om. This is the highest mantra in Hinduism. It represents the state of consciousness in every being. The states are namely Jagrit or wakefulness, Svapna or Dreams, Sushupti or Sub-Conscious mind and Turiya means beyond all. You can click on the links on the names to read about these states from Scientific Monk.
Method to cleanse the Ajna Chakra in 7 chakras of body.
The best method to cleanse Ajna chakra is to chant OM, Buddhists can chant OM Mane Padme Hum.

Crown Chakra Sahasrara in 7 chakras of body
Sahasrara Chakra is the 7th and final chakra where the Kundalini Energy unites with its Shiva. The meaning of Sahasrara is a thousandfold. It is the center of our own reality in Kundalini Yoga.
Gland, Hormones, and function associated with Sahasrara Chakra.
Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus are mainly associated with the Sahasrara chakra in 7 chakras of body. However, as the word suggests, there are many more glands associated with it. These could be probably the exocrine glands too. Some scholars say there are a total of 114 in numbers but all should exist within the Sahasrara only. Let’s focus on two major ones.
Within Sahasrara Chakra there lies another three main Chakras namely Guru Chakra in 7 chakras of body, Nirvana Chakra, and Bindu Visarga. The Guru Chakra is definitely associated with the Pituitary Gland. This Gland is also known as the master gland. So, it makes sense to call it a Guru Chakra in Kundalini Yoga. The major function of this gland is to regulate the activity of other endocrine glands. It secrets the trophic hormones which are responsible for stimulating other endocrine glands.
The Nirvana Chakra and Bindu Visarga is associated with the hypothalamus. There are various hormones associated with the hypothalamus. You can click here to read all from Healthline. One of the major things that the hypothalamus secretes is oxytocin, which is the hormone of ultimate satisfaction and love. The feeling of divine love and ecstasy is only produced when there is a perfect union between masculine and feminine forces i.e. Shiva and Shakti. Here it is your kundalini and consciousness. What if you can create oxytocin in your meditative will? It is obvious that you will feel supreme ecstasy.
Another function of the hypothalamus is the connection of your nervous system with the endocrine glands. This means your awareness and responses to society, life, sex, the universe, etc. lie here only. This connecting point is the Nirvana Chakra or the end of the Sushumna channel. It helps you in practicing Samyama, the Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi at the same time.
You can take your time to learn more about Samadhi and Samyama.
The feeling of ecstasy on meditative will is called the tantra version of enlightenment. When your awareness reaches the Bindu of Bindu Visarga chakra or the final point of existence, then only there is ecstasy.
Root Mantra
The Root mantra for Sahasrara Chakra is Om itself, however, it is like a silent version of Om which is only about point. This point is a one-sided focus on meditative awareness.
Method to cleanse.
The method to cleanse this chakra is to practice the chanting of the word OM. In your free time, you can also listen to the chantings of OM or Veda Mantras.

Practical benefits of 7 chakras of body?
The practical benefits of the activation of the chakras are as follows.
- Philosophic mind.
- Stress-free life.
- Proper coordination of mind and body.
- Psychological awareness of others.
Side effects of chakras activation.
7 chakras of body can be activated but it can cause many common problems.
- Hallucinations.
- Loss of sleep.
- Loss of appetite.
- Restlessness.
- Memory loss.
- Anger.
- Irritation.
- Confusion