Draupadi previous birth; 4 shocking Draupadi and Karna stories

photo depicting unparalleled Draupadi and Karna

Draupadi and Karna are two of the major characters in the epic Mahabharata. The significance of Draupadi and Karna is more than just a story. The unparallel story is somehow connected inside the vastness of Indian scriptures. It’s not just about Mahabharata but other major Puranas too. The common points in their stories are reincarnation … Read more

Energy as God (Opinion)

monk playing with water

Sometimes I think, the difference between past yugas and Kaluga is the understanding of science and concept. Some people say god is nothing but energy. Once I thought about this, and I found that God can be called energy because everything that God can do, is also can be explained in terms of energy or … Read more