Author: Kaudinya Arpan
Swami Vivekananda as a Nationalist; an essay.
Swami Vivekananda was a Nationalist, however, his Nationalistic influence remains unsung. He was an epithet of true Unity. Swami Vivekananda was the hero of the intellect. His mind was the union of rationality and spirituality. He was born Narendranath Datta at Calcutta on 12 January 1863. Since the early days, Narendra was a rational kid. However one…
Astrology; myths and 3 best logical reasons
Astrology is a pseudoscience that doesn’t have substantial facts to establish it as a Science. However, astronomy and mathematics used in astrology are simply awing. We get to know about the planetary motions and complex conjunctions simplified. Traditionally, there are varieties of techniques used in astrology depending upon the role of planet or star, or…
Shiva, Shankar, and Rudra, 3 gods or one name? Amazing facts and interpretation.
The difference between Shiva and Shankar is the usage of the terms in metaphysical and bodily levels. Shiva is the cosmic form of the Brahman but Shankar holds power in the living plane. It is Earth in this case. 11 Rudras are manifestations of Shiva whereas Shankar is one of the names of the foremost…
5 Powerful ways for handling thoughts in meditation
Thoughts in mind during meditation are common for beginners. You can control your thoughts by getting hands-on with emotional intelligence. When you are satisfied, you don’t get negative thoughts. So, if you are feeling that you get thoughts in meditation, you are doing something wrong. A study says that individuals differ in their ability to…
Meditation for Students, by a top monk (Guided)
Meditation is essential for well-being, especially for Students. This article explores the ancient technique of meditation for students with expert guidance (Script Included). We talked with Dr. Phra Sirichai Thummachart a senior monk and teacher from Thailand. He is currently situated at Bodhgaya, India, the place of Gautam Buddha’s enlightenment. Dr. Sirichai has shared about…
Meditation for anxiety script for adults and teenagers (Guided)
Anxiety is common for almost everyone on Earth. In this script of meditation and mindfulness, let’s go into the journey of healing from the meditation expert. Anxiety can come anytime so there is no time and place requirement for this relaxation script for anxiety. However, the best is always in the Brahma Muhurata (Before Sunrise)…
Yoga Nidra Script For Easy Sleep, from the ‘8’ Formula
Take a suitable position. You can try Savasana/Vishnuashana. In all stages, you are self-healing with Gratitude, Self-Love, and Surrender. Opposites make you visualize. Here is the full script based on Patanjali’s Samyama, the last three limbs in the 8 Stages of Yoga. This Yoga Nidra Script takes its inspiration from Himalayan Yogis. Yoga NIdra Script.…
Body scanning meditation script.
Script. This body scanning meditation script guides you for satisfying the soul. Before starting the body scan follow some basic steps. Firstly, be compassionate towards mother nature for everything. Secondly, spend 15-30 minutes in the morning time while gazing at the magnificence of Nature. Feel the coolness of the air coming inside the nose. Feel…
Jnana yoga, a path of wisdom.
Jnana Yoga is the method of union of Atman and Brahman through the practice of harnessing wisdom. Knowledge is the essence of human existence. True wisdom can lead to enlightenment. This is Jnana. Perfection is the ultimate truth of wisdom. What is Jnana Yoga? Jnana Yoga is a path of Union of soul and supreme…
Bhakti Yoga, a path of pure devotion
Bhakti Yoga is a form of yoga that uses devotion as a tool towards divine union. Yoga is majorly about the union between Atman and Brahman. This, in the modern-day, can be regarded as the union of body and consciousness. It is popular in all Religions, however, philosophically it is the component of Hinduism. Other…