Body scanning meditation script.

Body scan meditation nature

Script. This body scanning meditation script guides you for satisfying the soul. Before starting the body scan follow some basic steps. Firstly, be compassionate towards mother nature for everything. Secondly, spend 15-30 minutes in the morning time while gazing at the magnificence of Nature. Feel the coolness of the air coming inside the nose. Feel … Read more

Jnana yoga, a path of wisdom.

Jnana Yoga

Jnana Yoga is the method of union of Atman and Brahman through the practice of harnessing wisdom. Knowledge is the essence of human existence. True wisdom can lead to enlightenment. This is Jnana. Perfection is the ultimate truth of wisdom. What is Jnana Yoga? Jnana Yoga is a path of Union of soul and supreme … Read more

Bhakti Yoga, a path of pure devotion


Bhakti Yoga is a form of yoga that uses devotion as a tool towards divine union. Yoga is majorly about the union between Atman and Brahman. This, in the modern-day, can be regarded as the union of body and consciousness. It is popular in all Religions, however, philosophically it is the component of Hinduism. Other … Read more

Karma Yoga, a path of selfless action.

Karma Yin Yan

What is Karma Yoga? Definition. Karma Yoga is the yogic technique of union with the divine through selfless actions. These actions intend to serve society without any expectations. One of the earliest references to Karma Yoga is in the book of Mahabharata where Krishna teaches Arjuna about all forms of Yoga. It is more clearly … Read more

Amazing five elements of nature, Panchabhoota (top 5) and mantra.

five elements of nature and yoga

The five elements of Nature also known as Pancha Bhoota/Bhuta or Pancha Tattvas. They are Earth (पृथ्वी), Water (अप:), Fire (अग्नि), Air (वायु) and Sky(आकाश). These elements also hold ayurvedic significance. Different Ayurvedic Doshas are based on the panchamahabhootas. Surprised? Ayurveda is based on three doshas namely Vata, Pitta and, Kapha. Vata represents space and … Read more

What is Yogic Meditation? 5 top methods

Yogic Meditation Image 1

Yoga Meditation is practiced in different ways. Focus on the breath is on the high priority list of the Yogis. Yogic Meditation Techniques vary from beginner to advanced. Some argue on the fact that yoga meditation differs from Buddhist meditation. The techniques of Buddhist meditation and Yogic meditation are also compared in this article. I … Read more

Astral Projection, all you need to know

Astral Prpjection Featured, how to

Astral Travel or Astral Projection is the first yogic meditation out of body experience (OBE). Let’s see dangers, reality, and methods here. I have shared personal experiences of Astral Projection with the help of my own narrative. This Article is crafted with academic references from high-quality journals and books. You can click on the references … Read more

3 Types of Karma in Indian Philosophy

Karma Yoga and Kriya Yoga practice

3 Types of Karma in Hinduism are Sanchita, Prarabdha, and Agami or Kriyamana. The Vartamana (present) Karma makes it 4. However, three types of Karma are considered widely. They are given below let’s know what is Karma. What is Karma in Yoga? Karma is the primary possession that governs the entire universe. The concept of … Read more