5 Prana Vayus and Upa Pranas to purify your breath.

breathe introduction for 5 prana vayus

The 5 types of Prana are widely discussed in Upanishads. Also, yogic significance is great. In this article, we discuss the yogic techniques to purify them. 5 Prana Vayus appears in the great metaphysical book of Brihadaranyaka Upanishad also. The 5 prana vayus plays a vital role in Ayurveda along with Yoga. However, along with … Read more

5 Powerful ways for handling thoughts in meditation

controlling thoughts in meditation

Thoughts in mind during meditation are common for beginners. You can control your thoughts by getting hands-on with emotional intelligence. When you are satisfied, you don’t get negative thoughts. So, if you are feeling that you get thoughts in meditation, you are doing something wrong. A study says that individuals differ in their ability to … Read more

Meditation for Students, by a top monk (Guided)

Meditation for students

Meditation is essential for well-being, especially for Students. This article explores the ancient technique of meditation for students with expert guidance (Script Included). We talked with Dr. Phra Sirichai Thummachart a senior monk and teacher from Thailand. He is currently situated at Bodhgaya, India, the place of Gautam Buddha’s enlightenment. Dr. Sirichai has shared about … Read more

What is Yogic Meditation? 5 top methods

Yogic Meditation Image 1

Yoga Meditation is practiced in different ways. Focus on the breath is on the high priority list of the Yogis. Yogic Meditation Techniques vary from beginner to advanced. Some argue on the fact that yoga meditation differs from Buddhist meditation. The techniques of Buddhist meditation and Yogic meditation are also compared in this article. I … Read more

Meditation and Mindfulness, Meditation for positive thinking, and 3 best Mindfulness experience.

lord shiva doing meditation and mindfulness and positive affirmation meditation

The terms Meditation and Mindfulness are used elsewhere. However, these two have a great relationship. Here we got for you the best meditation techniques for positive thinking and the best Mindfulness experience from expert practitioners. This will also help you in positive affirmation meditation and mindfulness. Here is a soothing sound of nature and a … Read more